
Bin CHENTenure-track Associate Professor

Email: cbcce@sjtu.edu.cn 
Address: 上海市东川路800号 上海交大beat365  

Educational Background

 08/2006 07/2009    University of Tsukuba, Japan  

                                     Ph.D. in Materials Science (Prof. Takashi Sekiguchi)  

   09/2003 07/2006    Tsinghua University, Beijing, China  

                                     Master in Materials Science (Prof. Wei Pan)  

   09/1999 07/2003    Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China                         

                                     Bachelor in Materials Science (Prof. Lianmeng Zhang)

Work Experience

09/2017 present      Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China  

                                      Associate Professor  

   05/2014 08/2017    California Institute of Technology, USA  

                                     Postdoctoral Scholar (Prof. Ahmed Zewail)  

   04/2013 05/2014    National Institute for Materials Science, Japan  

                                     Postdoctoral Researcher (Prof. Takashi Sekiguchi)  

   03/2011 02/2013    The University of Sydney, Australia  

                                     Postdoctoral Research Associate (Prof. Xiaozhou Liao)  

   08/2009 03/2011    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan  

                                     Postdoctoral Researcher (Dr. Hirofumi Matsuhata)  

   08/2006 07/2009    National Institute for Materials Science, Japan  

                                     Junior Researcher (Prof. Takashi Sekiguchi)

Research Interests

1)Ultrafast Dynamics of Semiconductors and Devices  

2)4D Electron Microscopy for Real-time Imaging, Diffraction and Spectroscopy 

3)Optical, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Materials  

4)Catalytic Reaction Dynamics   

5)Solar Cell Materials for Battery Applications  



20. Z. Cao, J. He, Z. Liu, H. Zhang, B. Chen*. Chirality affecting reaction dynamics of HgS Nanostructures simultaneously visualized in real and reciprocal space. ACS Nano 15, 16255-16265 (2021).

19. Z. Liu, Z. Cao, J. He, H. Zhang, Y. Ge, B. Chen*. Versatile printing of substantial liquid cells for efficiently imaging in situ liquid-phase dynamics. Nano Letters 21, 6882-6890 (2021).

18. H. Zhang, Z. CaoJ. He, Z. Liu, S. Peng, X. Liu, B. Chen*. Shape evolution and control of wurtzite CdSe nanocrystals through a facile one-pot strategy. J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 18905-18915 (2021).

17. X. Fu*, S. Liu, B. Chen,  J. Tang*, Y. Zhu*. Observation and control of unidirectional ballistic  dynamics of nanoparticles at a liquid-gas interface by 4D electron  microscopy. ACS Nano 15, 6801-6810 (2021).  

J. He, Z. Liu, Z. CaoB. Chen*, D. Zhong*. Visualizing the redox reaction dynamics of perovskite nanocrystals in real and reciprocal space. B. Chen*, X. W. Fu, M. Lysevych, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish. Four-dimensional probing of phase-reaction dynamics in Au/GaAs nanowires.B. Chen, B. K. Yoo, H. Yang, Y. Zhu*. Optical manipulation of magnetic vortices visualized in situ by Lorentz electron microscopy. 4, eaat3077 (2018).   


13    X. W. Fu, B. Chen, J. Tang, M. Th. Hassan, A. H. Zewail. Imaging rotational dynamics of nanoparticles in liquid by 4D electron microscopy. Science 355, 494-498 (2017).  

12    B. Chen, X. W. Fu, J. Tang, M. Lysevych, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish, A. H. Zewail.      Dynamics and control of gold-encapped gallium arsenide nanowires imaged by 4D electron microscopy. PNAS 114, 12876-12881 (2017). 

11    X. W. Fu, B. Chen, J. Tang, A. H. Zewail. Photoinduced nanobuble-driven superfast diffusion of nanoparticles imaged by 4D electron microscopy. Science Advances 3, e1701160 (2017).  

10    B. Chen, J. Wang, Q. Gao, Y. J. Chen, X. Z. Liao, C. S. Lu, H. H. Tan, Y. W. Mai, J. Zou, S. P. Ringer, H. J. Gao, C. Jagadish. Strengthening brittle semiconductor nanowires through stacking faults: Insights from in situ mechanical testing. Nano Letters 13, 4369-4373 (2013).  

9    B. Chen, Q. Gao, Y. B. Wang, X. Z. Liao, Y. W. Mai, H. H. Tan, J. Zou, S. P. Ringer, C. Jagadish. Anelastic behavior in GaAs semiconductor nanowires. Nano Letters 13, 3169-3172 (2013).  

8    B. Chen, Q. Gao, L. Chang, Y. B. Wang, Z. B. Chen, X. Z. Liao, H. H. Tan, J. Zou, S. P. Ringer, C. Jagadish. Attraction of semiconductor nanowires: An in situ observation. Acta Materialia 61, 7166-7172  (2013).  

7    B. Chen, J. Wang, Y. W. Zhu, X. Z. Liao, C. S. Lu, Y. W. Mai, S. P. Ringer, F. J. Ke, Y. G. Shen. Deformation-induced phase transformation in 4H-SiC nanopillars. Acta Materialia 80, 392-399 (2014).  

6    B. Chen, H. Matsuhata, T. Sekiguchi, K. Ichinoseki, H. Okumura. Surface defects and accompanying imperfections in 4H-SiC: Optical, structural and electrical characterization. Acta Materialia 60, 51-58 (2012).  

5    B. Chen, T. Sekiguchi, T. Ohyanagi, H. Matsuhata, A. Kinoshita, H. Okumura. Evidence for a general mechanism modulating carrier lifetime in SiC. Physical Review B 81, 233203 (2010).  

4   B. Chen, J. Chen, Y. Z. Yao, T. Sekiguchi, H. Matsuhata, H. Okumura. In situ monitoring of stacking fault formation and its carrier lifetime mediation in p-type 4H-SiC. Applied Physics Letters  105, 042104 (2014).  

3   B. Chen, H. Matsuhata, T. Sekiguchi, A. Kinoshita, K. Ichinoseki, H. Okumura. Tuning minority-carrier lifetime through stacking fault defects: The case of polytypic SiC. Applied Physics Letters  100, 132108 (2012).  

2   B. Chen, H. Matsuhata, T. Sekiguchi, T. Ohyanagi, A. Kinoshita, H. Okumura. Pinning of recombination-enhanced dislocation motion in 4H-SiC: Role of Cu and EH1 complex. Applied Physics Letters  96, 212110 (2010).  

1   B. Chen, J. Chen, T. Sekiguchi, T. Ohyanagi, H. Matsuhata, A. Kinoshita, H. Okumura, F. Fabbri. Electron-beam-induced current study of stacking faults and partial dislocations in 4H-SiC Schottky diode.  Applied Physics Letters  93, 033514 (2008). 

Honors and Awards

 2019    上海高等学校特聘教授计划 

 2018    上海浦江人才计划

Open Positions

   We welcome graduate and undergraduate students interested in ultrafast science, materials and physical science, catalytic chemistry, characterization of optical-electrical-magnetic properties and biochemistry etc. Postdoc positions are also available. 

Address:800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China
PostCode:200240 Tel:021-54742893 E-mail:sjtuscce@sjtu.edu.cn


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