
Qian LIResearcher

Email: liqian2018@sjtu.edu.cn 
Address: 上海市东川路800号beat365A楼 
Home Page: scce.sjtu.edu.cn 

Educational Background

2006-2011 University of Groningen, The Netherlands, PhD
2004-2006 Utrecht University, The Netherlands, MSc
1999-2004 Dalian University of Technology, China, BE and BA

Work Experience

2018–present  Associate Professor, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University             
2016–2018  Associate Professor, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS
2014–2015  Assistant Professor, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS
2012–2016  Postdoc fellow, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS

Research Interests

Research interests
Design, assembly and bioimaging of functional nucleic acids nanostructures

Research Project



[1] M. Liu, F. Wang, X. Zhang, X. Mao, L. Wang, Y. Tian, C. Fan and Q. Li*, Tracking endocytosis and intracellular distribution of spherical nucleic acids with correlative single-cell imaging. Nature Protoc 16, 383–404, 2021.  

[2] D. Ye, M. Li, T. Zhai, P. Song, L. Song, H. Wang, X. Mao, F. Wang, X. Zhang, Z. Ge, J. Shi, L. Wang, C. Fan, Q. Li* and X. Zuo*, Encapsulation and release of living tumor cells using hydrogels with the hybridization chain reaction. Nature Protoc 15, 2163–2185, 2020.  

[3] G. Yao, J. Li, Q. Li,  X. Chen, X. Liu, F. Wang, Z. Qu, Z. Ge, R. P. Narayanan, D. Williams,  H. Pei, X. Zuo, L. Wang, H. Yan, B. L. Feringa* and C. Fan*, Programming  nanoparticle valence bonds with single-stranded DNA encoders. Nature Mater. 19, 781, 2020. co-first author   

[4] T. Tian, D. Xiao, T. Zhang, Y. Li, S. Shi, W. Zhong, P. Gong, Z. Liu,* Q. Li*, and Y. Lin*, A Framework Nucleic Acid Based Robotic Nanobee for Active Targeting Therapy. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007342, 2020  

[5] W. Qin, L. Chen, Z. Wang, Q. Li*, C. Fan, M. Wu  and Y. Zhang* Bioinspired DNA Nanointerface with Anisotropic Aptamers  for Accurate Capture of Circulating Tumor Cells,Adv. Sci., 7, 2000647, 2020.  

[6] Z. Ge,  L. Guo,  G. Wu,  J. Li,  Y. Sun,  Y. Hou,  J. Shi,  S. Song,  L. Wang,  C. Fan,  H. Lu* and Q. Li*, DNA Origami-Enabled Engineering of Ligand-Drug Conjugates for Targeted Drug Delivery, Small, 16,1904857, 2020.  

[7] M. Liu, X. Mao, L. Huang, C. Fan, Y. Tian and Q. Li*, Automated Nanoplasmonic Analysis of Spherical Nucleic Acids Clusters in Single Cells. Anal. Chem., 92, 1333-1339, 2020.  

[8] M. Li, J. Liu, M. Deng, Z. Ge, N. Afshan, X. Zuo* and Q. Li*, Rapid Transmembrane Transport of DNA Nanostructures by Chemically Anchoring Artificial Receptors on Cell Membranes, ChemPlusChem 84, 323-327, 2019  

[9] Y. Luo, Y. Han, X. Hu, M. Yin, C. Wu, Q. Li*, N. Chen* and Y. Zhao*, Live-cell imaging of octaarginine-modified polymer dots via single particle tracking. Cell Proliferation, e12556, 2019.  

[10] D. Zhu, D. Zhao, J. Huang, Y. Zhu, J. Chao, S. Su, J. Li, L. Wang, J. Shi, X. Zuo, L.Weng*Q. Li* and L. Wang*, Poly-Adenine-Mediated Fluorescent Spherical Nucleic Acid Probes for Live-Cell Imaging of Endogenous Tumor-Related mRNA. Nanomedicine: NBM.14, 1797-1807, 2018.  

Honors and Awards

[1] SMC-晨星优秀青年学者奖励计划 (2019)

[2] Ubbo Emmius 奖学金(2006-2011)

[3] 德拜研究院奖学金(2005)

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PostCode:200240 Tel:021-54742893 E-mail:sjtuscce@sjtu.edu.cn


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