
Yuanhai SUResearcher

Email: y.su@sjtu.edu.cn 
Address: 上海市东川路800号beat365 

Educational Background

Yuanhai Su is an associate professor at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He was the recipient of several individual honors including the RCE Emerging Investigators initiated by Reaction Chemistry & Engineering (2019), the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals (2016), the Marie Curie Actions Fellowship (2013) and the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (2012). Recently, he is a member of  the advisory board for the Journal of Flow Chemistry and for the Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities.

Work Experience

2011.10-2012.02:Research associate, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics rn

2012.03-2013.10:Postdoc (Humboldt Fellow) with the host of Prof. Eugeny Kenig, Paderborn University, Germany rn

 2013.11-2016.02: Postdoc (Marie Curie Fellow) with the host of Prof. Timothy Noel, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands rn

2016.03-present: Associate Professor, recipient of Thousand Youth Talents Plan from Chinese government, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Chinarn

Research Interests





Research Project


纵向项目: 国家重点研发计划课题、国家高层次人才计划青年项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目(2项)、上海市科委国际合作项目、



国外:欧盟玛丽居里行动计划(MARIE CURIE ACTIONS)项目



1.        Rongkun Jiang, Xiao Xue, Fang Zhao, Weiping Zhu*, Minjing Shang, Yuanhai Su*, Yufang Xu, Xuhong Qian, Process parameter and kinetic study for the azidation of a zidovudine intermediate with sodium azide in microreactors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 429, 132207.

2.        Wenhua Xu, Yizhe Pan, Liuyang Chen, Yuanhai Su*, Minjing Shang, Xuemin Lu, Qinghua Lu*, Continuous microflow synthesis of dimethyl-substituted cyclobutanetetracarboxylic dianhydrides and its application on polyimide films, Journal of Flow Chemistry, 2021, DOI. 10.1007/s41981-021-00192-z.

3.        Saier Liu, Guangxiao Li, Minjing Shang, Zheng-Hong Luo, Yuanhai Su*, Hydrodynamics Study of a Fast Liquid-Liquid Oxidation Process with in-situ Gas Production in Microreactors, AIChE Journal, 2021, e17362.

4.        Guangxiao Li, Saier Liu, Xiaoyong Dou, Minjing Shang, Zheng-Hong Luo, Yuanhai Su*, Two-Stage Temperature Control for the Synthesis of Adipic Acid through K/A Oil Oxidation in a Microreactor System, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60, 26, 9389–9398.

5.        Hailing Zhao, Saier Liu, Minjing Shang*, Yuanhai Su, Direct oxidation of benzene to phenol in a microreactor: Process parameters and reaction kinetics study, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 246(6), 116907.

6.        Hong Zhang, Minjing Shang, Yuchao Zhao*, Yuanhai Su*, Process Intensification of 2,2'-(4-Nitrophenyl) Dipyrromethane Synthesis with a SO3H-Functionalized Ionic Liquid Catalyst in Pickering-Emulsion-Based Packed-Bed Microreactors, Micromachines, 2021, 12(7), 796.

7.        Mohsin Pasha, Guangxiao Li, Minjing Shang, Saier Liu, Yuanhai Su*, Mass transfer and kinetic characteristics for CO2 absorption in microstructured reactors using an aqueous mixed amine, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 274, 118987.

8.        Xiaoqi Shi, Saier Liu, Chuansong Duanmu*, Minjing Shang*, Min Qiu, Chong Shen, Yong Yang, Yuanhai Su*, Visible-Light Photooxidation of Benzene to Phenol in Continuous-flow Microreactors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 420 (1), 129976.

9.        Liang Xiang, Min Qiu, Minjing Shang, Yuanhai Su*, Continuous Synthesis of Star Polymers with RAFT Polymerization in Cascade Microreactor Systems, Polymer, 2021, 222, 123669.

10.    Yuhan Wang, Chong Shen, Yuanhai Su*, Fundamentals and research progress of photochemical microreaction technology, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2021, 40, 4749-4761, in Chinese.

11.    Xinxiang Jiang, Guangxiao Li*, Saier Liu, Yang Song, Yuanhai Su*, Synthesis of Arenediazonium Salts and Suzuki- Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reaction in Microreactors, Journal of Flow Chemistry, 2021, 0.1007/s41981-021-00160-7

12.    Yang Song, Minjing Shang*, Junguo Li, Yuanhai Su*, Continuous and controllable synthesis of MnO2/PPy composites with core-shell structures, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 405,127059.

13.    Hong Zhang, Ke Lu, Yuzi Liu, Bomin Li, Yuanhai Su*, Rongyue Wang, Yingwen Cheng*, Microfluidic, One-Batch Synthesis of Pd Nanocrystals on N-Doped Carbon in Surfactant-Free Deep Eutectic Solvents for Formic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2020, 12, 38, 42704-42710.

14.    Hui-Long Wei, Sai-Er Liu, Guangxiao Li, Weicheng Yan*, Yuanhai Su, Zheng-Hong Luo*, Numerical modeling of a microreactor for the synthesis of adipic acid via KA oil oxidation, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 230(3), 116208.

15.    De-Tao Pan, Guangxiao Li, Yuanhai Su, Hui-Long Wei*, Zheng-Hong Luo*, Kinetic Study for the Oxidation of Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone with Nitric Acid to Adipic Acid, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 29(6), 183-189.

16.    Guangxiao Li, Saier Liu, Yuanhai Su*, Research progress on micro-scale internal liquid-liquid mass transfer and reaction process enhancement, Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering, 2021, 72(1), 452-467, in Chinese.

17.    Hong Zhang, Zhaoyu Yu, Yuanhai Su*, Research progress of the extraction enhancement with the use of microreactors coupled with ionic liquids,Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress 2020, 39(12), 4908-4918, in Chinese

18.    Guangxiao Li, Saier Liu, Xiaoyong Dou, Huilong Wei, Minjing Shang, Zheng-Hong Luo, Yuanhai Su*, Synthesis of Adipic Acid through Oxidation of K/A oil and Its Kinetic Study in a Microreactor System, AIChE Journal, 2020, 66, e16289.

19.    Chong Shen, Qibo Zheng, Minjing Shang, Li Zha, Yuanhai Su*, Using Deep Learning to Recognize Liquid-liquid Flow Patterns in Microchannels, AIChE Journal, 2020, e16260.

20.    Wenhua Xu, Yuanhai Su*, Minjing Shang, Xuemin Lu, Qinhua Lu*, Rapid Synthesis of Polyimide Precursors by Solution Polymerization Using Continuous-flow Microreactors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 397, 125361.

21.    Hong Zhang, Zhaoyu Yu, Tian Gu, Liang Xiang, Minjing Shang*, Chong Shen, Yuanhai Su*, Continuous synthesis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural using deep eutectic solvents and its kinetic study in microreactors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 391, 123580.

22.    Chong Shen, Minjing Shang, Hong Zhang, Yuanhai Su*, A UV-LEDs based photomicroreactor for mechanistic insights and kinetic studies in the norbornadiene photoisomerization, AIChE Journal, 2020, 66 (2), e16841.

23.    Wenhua Xu, Xiaoru Ma, Yuanhai Su*, Yang Song, Minjing Shang, Xuemin Lu and Qinghua Lu*, Synthesis of highly transparent and thermally stable copolyimide with fluorine-containing dianhydride and alicyclic dianhydride, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, 137(17), 48603-48612.

24.    Peng Chen, Chong Shen, Min Qiu, Jing Wu, Yingjun Bai, Yuanhai Su*, Synthesis of 5-fluoro-2-nitrobenzotrifluoride in a continuous-flow millireactor with a safe and efficient protocol, Journal of Flow Chemistry, 2020, 10, 207-218.

25.    Liang Xiang, Yang Song, Min Qiu, Yuanhai Su*, Synthesis of Branched Poly(butyl acrylate) Using the Strathclyde Method in Continuous-flow Microreactors, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58, 47, 21312-21322.

26.    Xin Pu, Bohao Zhang, Yuanhai Su*, Heterogeneous photocatalysis in microreactors for efficient reduction of nitrobenzene to aniline: mechanisms and energy efficiency, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2019, 42, 1-9.

27.    Yang Song, Saier Liu, Baoyi Wang, Minjing Shang*, Liangliang Lin, Yuanhai Su*, Continuous and controllable preparation of polyaniline with different reaction media in microreactors for supercapacitor applications, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 207,820-828.

28.    Hong Zhang, Minjing Shang*, Chong Shen, Guangxiao Li, Yuanhai Su*, Continuous extraction of gold (III) using pyridine ionic liquid based water-in-oil microemulsion in microreactors, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58, 28, 12729-12740.

29.    Hong Zhang, Minjing Shang*, Yang Song, Yuanhai Su*, Continuous synthesis of tetraalkylammonium based ethyl sulphate ionic liquid and its kinetic study in microreactors, AIChE Journal, 2019, 65, 1245-1255.

30.    Guangxiao Li, Xin Pu, Minjing Shang, Li Zha, Yuanhai Su*, Intensification of liquid-liquid two-phase mass transfer in a capillary microreactor system, AIChE Journal, 2019, 65, 334-346.

31.    Li Zha, Minjing Shang, Min Qiu, Hong Zhang, Yuanhai Su*, Process intensification of mixing and chemical modification for polymer solutions in microreactors based on gas-liquid two-phase flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 195, 62-73.

32.    Min Qiu, Li Zha, Yang Song, Liang Xiang, Yuanhai Su*, Numbering-up of capillary microreactors for homogeneous processes and its application in free radical polymerization, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 4, 351-361.

33.    Yuanhai Su*, Y. Song, L. Xiang, Continuous-Flow microreactors for polymer synthesis: engineering principles and applications, Topics in Current Chemistry, 2018, 376:44.

34.    Li Zha, Xin Pu, Minjing Shang, Guangxiao Li, Wenhua Xu, Qinhua Lu, Yuanhai Su*, A study on the micromixing performance in microreactors for polymer solutions, AIChE Journal, 2018, 64, 3479-3490.

35.    Yang Song, Jianan Song, Minjing Shang, Wenhua Xu, Saier Liu, Baoyi Liu, Qinhua Lu, Yunahai Su*, Hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance during the chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline in microreactors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 353: 769-780.

36.    Yang Song, Minijng Shang, Guangxiao Li, Zheng-Hong Luo, Yuanhai Su*, Influence of mixing performance on polymerization of acrylamide in capillary microreactors, AIChE Journal, 2018, 64, 1828-1840.

37.    Guangxiao Li, Minjing Shang, Yang Song, Yuanhai Su*, Characterization of liquid-liquid mass transfer performance in a capillary microreactor system, AIChE Journal, 2018, 64, 1106-1116.

38.    Yang Song, Minjing Shang*, Hong Zhang, Wenhua Xu, Pin Xin, Qinhua Lu, Yuanhai Su*, Process characteristics and rheological properties of free radical polymerization in microreactors, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57, 10922-10934.

39.    Wenhua Xu, Yuanhai Su*, Yang Song, Minjing Shang, Li Zha, Qinhua Lu*, Process analysis on preparation of cyclobutanetetracarboxylic dianhydride in a photomicroreactor within gas-liquid Taylor flow, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57, 2476-2485.

40.    Xin Pu, Yuanhai Su*, Heterogeneous catalysis in microreactors with nanofluids for fine chemicals syntheses: Benzylation of toluene with benzyl chloride over silica-immobilized FeCl3 catalyst, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 184, 200-208.

41.    Qi Liu, Yuanhai Su, Zheng-Hong Luo*, Numerical simulations of hydrodynamics and concentration distribution in a stirred tank during startup stage for producing phenylboronic acid ester, Asia‐Pac J Chem Eng. 2018, 13, e2172.

42.    Xin Pu, Guangxiao Li, Yang Song, Minjing Shang, Yuanhai Su*, Droplet Coalescence Phenomena during Liquid−Liquid Heterogeneous Reactions in Microreactors, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56, 12316-12325.

43.    Litao Zhu, Hui Pan, Yuanhai Su, Zheng-Hong Luo*, Effect of Particle Polydispersity on Flow and Reaction Behaviors of Methanol to Olefins Fluidized Bed Reactors,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2017, 56, 1090-1102.

44.    Koen P. L. Kuijpers, Mark A. H. van Dijk, Quentin G. Rumeur, Volker Hessel, Yuanhai Su*, Timothy Noël*, A sensitivity analysis of a numbered-up photomicroreactor system, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 2, 109-115.

45.    Xiaofei Liang, Hui Pan Yuanhai Su, Zheng-Hong Luo*, CFD-PBM approach with modified drag model for the gas-liquid flow in a bubble column, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2016, 112, 88-102.

46.    Minjing Shang, Timothy Noël,Yuanhai Su, Volker Hessel*, Kinetic Study of Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition at High Temperaturesand Concentrations in Two Capillary Microreactors, AIChE Journal, 2017, 63, 689-697.

47.    Natan J W Straathof#, Yuanhai Su#, Volker Hessel, Timothy Noël*, Accelerated gas-liquid visible light photoredox catalysis with continuous-flow photochemical microreactors, Nature Protocols, 2016, 11, 10-21. #Authors contributed equally.

48.    Yuanhai Su, Koen P. L. Kuijpers, Niels König, Volker Hessel, Timothy Noël*, A Mechanistic Investigation of the Visible‐Light Photocatalytic Trifluoromethylation of Heterocycles Using CF3I in Flow, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016, 35(22), 12295-12300.

49.    Hannes P L Gemoets, Yuanhai Su, Minjing Shang, Volker Hessel, Rafael Luque, Timothy Noël*, Liquid phase oxidation chemistry in continuous-flow microreactors, Chemical Society Reviews, 2016, 45 (1), 83-117.

50.    Yuanhai Su, Koen P. L. Kuijpers, Volker Hessel, Timothy Noël*, A convenient numbering-up strategy for the scale-up of gas-liquid photoredoxcatalysis in flow, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 1 (1), 73-81.

51.    Nico Erdmann, Yuanhai Su, Benjamin Bosmans, Volker Hessel, Timothy Noël*, Palladium-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidative Coupling of o-Xylene in Flow: A Safe and Scalable Protocol for Cross-Dehydrogenative Coupling,Organic Process Research & Development,2016, 20 (4), 831-835.

52.    Minjing Shang, Timothy Noël, Yuanhai Su, Volker Hessel*, High Pressure Direct Synthesis of Adipic Acid from Cyclohexene and Hydrogen Peroxide via Capillary Microreactors, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55 (10): 2669-2676.

53.    Yuanhai Su, Volker Hessel, Timothy Noël*, A compact photomicroreactor design for kinetic studies of gas-liquid photocatalytic transformations, AIChE Journal, 2015, 61, 2215-2227.

54.    Yuanhai Su, Guangwen Chen, Eugeny Y. Kenig*, An experimental study on the numbering-up of microchannels for liquid mixing, Lab on a Chip, 2015, 15, 179-187.

55.    Minjing Shang, Timothy Noël, Qi Wang, Yuanhai Su, Keisuke Miyabayashi, Volker Hessel*, Shinji Hasebe, 2-and 3-Stage temperature ramping for the direct synthesis of adipic acid in micro-flow packed-bed reactors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 260, 454-462.

56.    Yuanhai Su, Ali Talla, Volker Hessel, Timothy Noël*, Controlled Photocatalytic Aerobic Oxidation of Thiols to Disulfides in an Energy-Efficient Photomicroreactor, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2015, 38 (10), 1733-1742.

57.    Timothy Noël*, Yuanhai Su, Volker Hessel, Beyond Organometallic Flow Chemistry: The Principles Behind the Use of Continuous-Flow Reactors for Synthesis (Organometallic Flow Chemistry), Topics in Organometallic Chemistry, 2015, 57, 1-41.

58.    Yuanhai Su, Guangwen Chen*, Quan Yuan, Effect of Viscosity on the Hydrodynamics of Liquid Processes in Microchannels, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2014, 37, 3, 427-443.

59.    Yuanhai Su, Natan J W Straathof, Volker Hessel, Timothy Noël*, Photochemical transformations accelerated in continuous-flow reactors: basic concepts and applications, Chemistry-A European journal, 2014, 20, 10562-10589.

60.    Yuanhai Su, Anna Lautenschleger, Guangwen Chen, and Eugeny Y. Kenig*, A numerical study on liquid mixing in multichannel micromixers, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(1), 390-401.

61.    Eugeny Y. Kenig *, Yuanhai Su, Anna Lautenschleger, Paris Chasanis, Marcs Grünewald, Micro-separation of fluid systems: A state-of-the-art review, Separation and Purification Technology, Separation and Purification Technology, 2013, 120, 245-264.

62.    Linqiu Yang, Yuchao Zhao, Yuanhai Su, Guangwen Chen*, An Experimental Study of Copper Extraction Characteristics in a T‐Junction Microchannel, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2013, 36(6), 985-999.

63.    Yizheng Chen, Yuanhai Su, Fengjun Jiao, Guangwen Chen*, A simple and efficient synthesis protocol for sulfonation of nitrobenzene under solvent-free conditions via a microreactor, RSC Advances, 2012, 2, 5637-5644.

64.    Yuanhai Su, Guangwen Chen*, Quan Yuan, Influence of Hydrodynamics on Liquid Mixing During Taylor Flow in a Microchannel, AIChE Journal, 2012, 58: 1660-1670.

65.    Yuanhai Su, Yuchao Zhao, Fengjun Jiao, Guangwen Chen*, Quan Yuan, The intensification of rapid reactions for multiphase systems in a microchannel reactor by packing microparticles, AIChE Journal, 2011, 57: 1409-1418.

66.    Yuanhai Su, Guangwen Chen*, Quan Yuan, Ideal micromixing performance in packed microchannels, Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, 66, 2912-2919.

67.    Yuanhai Su, Yuchao Zhao, Guangwen Chen*, Quan Yuan, Liquid–liquid two-phase flow and mass transfer characteristics in packed microchannels, Chemical Engineering Science, 2010, 65, 3947-3956.

68.    Yuchao Zhao, Yuanhai Su, Guangwen Chen*, Quan Yuan, Effect of surface properties on the flow characteristics and mass transfer performance in microchannels, Chemical Engineering Science, 2010, 65, 1563-1570.

69.    Yuanhai Su, Guangwen Chen*, Yuchao Zhao, Quan Yuan, Intensification of liquid–liquid two-phase mass transfer by gas agitation in a microchannel, AIChE Journal, 2009, 55 (8): 1948-1958.

Part-time Academic Job

担任SCI刊物Frontiers in Chemistry (副主编)、Journal of Flow Chemistry、《高校化学工程学报》等期刊的编委/顾问编委

Honors and Awards

1)  2021Adv Polym Tech年度最佳论文

2)  2019获侯德榜化工科学技术青年奖

3)  2019分别入选国际期刊Reaction Chemistry & Engineering及Journal of Flow Chemistry的Emerging Investigators(新锐科学家)

4)  2016国家高层次青年人才



Address:800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China
PostCode:200240 Tel:021-54742893 E-mail:sjtuscce@sjtu.edu.cn


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