
Wende XIAOProfessor

Tel: 021-34203788,13916955528 
Email: wdxiao@sjtu.edu.cn 
Address: 上海市东川路800号beat365B楼409室 

Educational Background

1988-1991  Ph.D. East China University of Science and Technology  

1985-1988  M.Sc. East China University of Science and Technology  

1981-1985  B.Sc. East China University of Science and Technology  

Work Experience

2009-         Shanghai Jiao Tong University  

1992-2009     East China University of Science and Technology  

Research Interests

Chemical reaction engineering and catalysis related to environment, energy and materials.  

The current major research topics include: clean coal technologies such as flue gas de-SO2 and de-NOx (reactor and catalyst), syngas to liquid such as Fischer- Tropsch synthesis to fuel and olefins (reactor and catalyst), methanol to olefins ( catalyst, mechanism, and reactor).  

Research Project





2009-2012, 企业合作项目“合成气制乙二醇2000吨中试过程研究”

2010-, 企业合作项目“多晶硅生产新技术500吨中试过程研究”

2012-   企业合作项目“合成气制乙二醇十万吨级工业性示范过程研究”






[1] Liu, S.S., Xiao, W.D., Numerical simulations of particle growth in a silicon-CVD fluidized bed reactor via a CFD-PBM coupled model. Chemical Engineering Science, 2014. 111: p. 112-125  

[2] Liu, S.S., Xiao, W.D., Evaluation of the flow behavior in a large-scale polydisperse particle fluidized system by an energy minimization multiscale-Eulerian  combined model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014. 53: p. 14113-14126  

[3] Liu, S.S., Xiao, W.D., CFD-PBM coupled simulation of silicon CVD growth in a fluidized bed reactor: effect of silane pyrolysis kinetic models. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015,127, 84-94.  

[4] Liu, S.S., Xiao, W.D., Sintering effect on crystallite size, hydrogen bond structure and morphology of the silane-derived silicon powders. Powder Technology, 2015,273,40-46.  

[5] Ding, W. J.; Yan, J. M.; Xiao, W, D. Hydrogenation of Silicon Tetrachloride in the Presence of Silicon: Thermodynamic and Experimental Investigation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,  2014, 53, 10943-10953.  

[6] Ding, W. J.; Wang, Z. B.; Yan, J. M.; Xiao, W, D. CuCl-Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Silicon Tetrachloride in the Presence of Silicon: Mechanism and Kinetic Modeling. . Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 16725-16735.  

[7] Xue-Gang Li and Wen-De Xiao,Silane Pyrolysis to Silicon Rod in a Bell-Jar Reactor at High Temperature and Pressure: Modeling and Simulation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55, 4887−4896.  

[8] Wenyao Guo, Wenzhang Wu, Man Luo, Wende Xiao*, Modeling of diffusion and reaction in monolithic catalysts for the methanol-to-propylene process, Fuel Processing Technology, 108 (2013) 133–138  

[9] Xun Huang, Dilireba Aihemaitijiang, Wen-De Xiao*. Reaction pathway and kinetics of C3-C7 olefin transformation over high-silicon HZSM-5 zeolite at 400-490ºC. Chemical Engineering Journal 2015, 280: 222-232.  

[10] Xun Huang, Dilireba Aihemaitijiang, Wen-De Xiao*. Co-reaction of methanol and olefins on the high silicon HZSM-5 catalyst: a kinetic study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 286: 150-164.  

[11] Xun Huang, Hu Li, Wen-De Xiao*, De Chen. Insight into the side reactions in methanol-to-olefin process over HZSM-5: a kinetic study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 299: 263-275.  

[12] Xun Huang, Hui Li, Hu Li, Wen-De Xiao*. A computationally efficient multi-scale simulation of a multi-stage fixed-bed reactor for methanol to propylene reactions. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, (150),104-116.  

[13] Xun Huang, Hu Li, Hui Li, Wen-De Xiao*. Modeling and analysis of the lurgi-type methanol to propylene process: Optimization of olefin recycle. Submitted to AIChE Journal.  

[14] Xun Huang, Xue-Gang Li, Hu Li, Wen-De Xiao*. High-Performance HZSM-5/ cordierite monolithic catalyst for methanol to propylene reaction: a combined experimental and modeling study. Submitted to Fuel Processing Technology.  

[15] Xue-Gang Li, Xun Huang, Wen-De Xiao,Reactive Distillation Aided Ultrapure Silane Production from Trichlorosilane: Process Simulation and Optimization, Submitted to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.  





Part-time Academic Job


Honors and Awards

“the Excellent Young Talent Program of Trans-Century”, by MOE, 1995  

“the Phosphor Young Scientist Program”, by Shanghai municipal government, 1996  

“the Cheung-Kong Scholar Program”, by MOE, MOF and the Cheung-Kong Holding Limited, 1999  

“the State Allowance for Outstanding Contribution”, by the State Council, 2000  

“the Excellent Phosphor Scientist”, by Shanghai municipal government, 2001  

“the Ministry Prize for Science and Technology Advancement”, the second, by MOE, 2001  

“Attendance Grant of the 16th ISCRE, Cracow, Poland”, by Bayer, BASF, and Degussa, 2000.  

“Attendance Grant of the 17th ISCRE, Hong-Kong, China”, by K C Wang Foundation, 2002.  

“the SJTU Distinguished Professor”, by SJTU, 2010.  

Address:800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China
PostCode:200240 Tel:021-54742893 E-mail:sjtuscce@sjtu.edu.cn


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