Prof. Paolo Samorì, fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, appointed to Advisory Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Date: 2018-07-03

On May 14th, 2018, Prof. Paolo Samorì, fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, professor of University of Strasbourg and director of the Institute de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires, visited the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and attended the appointment ceremony of SJTU’s Advisory Professor. The ceremony was hosted by Prof. Xinliang Feng, Distinguished Professor of SJTU.

Prof. Xinyuan Zhu, dean of SCCE, delivered a welcome speech and said Prof. Samorì’s visit would promote international academic exchange and offer instructive suggestions to the school’s development. Prof. Feng introduced Prof. Samorì’s educational and working experiences and his academic achievements in supramolecular chemistry.


After the speech, Prof. Zhu awarded the appointment certificate of Advisory Professor to Prof. Samorì.

Then, Prof. Samorì delivered a lecture titled Internet of functions in tailored-made 0D to 3D multicomponent nanostructures: from high-performance sensors to multi-responsive hybrid nanostructures to the faculty and students of SCCE.

Author: Jiacheng ZHANG

Translator: Chenyun SUN

Reviser: Xiaoke HU

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