上海交大beat365两教授受邀参与撰写《自然• 化学》十周年“化学求索之路”专题论文
日期:2019-04-01 阅读:997

  近日,《自然 • 化学》杂志(Nature Chemistry)以“化学求索之路”(Charting a course for chemistry)为题发表了纪念创刊十周年的专题(Feature)论文。杂志特邀了全球50余位知名化学家共同撰文,提出化学各领域的挑战性问题,为面临的重要挑战及其演变方式提供具有指导意义的蓝图。其中,上海交大beat365樊春海教授、冯新亮教授分别受邀作为署名作者,提出化学生物学和合成化学领域的挑战性问题。


Chunhai Fan: An exciting frontier is to understand how artificially designed nucleic acids assemble and function inside living cells and in animals. Devising new tools to manipulate the assembly of nucleic acids — both natural and synthetic — within live cells would revolutionize nucleic acid chemistry, and in turn enable advances in the design and fabrication of nanoscale theranostics for precision medicine. Thinking further into the future, another direction offering promising applications is to explore the development of artificially intelligent DNA or RNA robots that can function on demand in animals and in human beings.


Xinliang Feng: A major goal of synthetic chemistry is to create materials that can help tackle the current societal challenges, through, for example, the increased use of sustainable energy, smart manufacturing or health informatics. Novel condensed matters with intriguing physical or chemical properties for the transport of electrons, spins, ions and phonons have long been attractive synthetic targets. Achieving these materials will require the development of new synthetic methodologies and strategies. This in itself will necessitate creative thinking, in order to design controlled chemical syntheses of solid-state materials with complex structures and tailor-made properties at the atomic and molecular level.


  原文于2019年3月22日发布在Nature Chemistry官网(https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-019-0236-7)。


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