日期:2014-09-13 阅读:1168


    普莱克斯是一家拥有百年历史的美国财富300强企业 ,被评为“全美最受推崇化工公司”。连续11年入选“道琼斯可持续发展指数”排行榜,连续9年荣膺“福布斯最佳大公司”桂冠,获得“中国最适宜工作的公司”等多项殊荣。值此毕业季,普莱克斯诚邀您成为公司大家庭中的一员,与我们一起绽放多彩未来!
    欲知更多公司信息,请浏览普莱克斯中国官网: http://www.praxair.com.cn


Position: Sales Intern (2015年应届毕业生优先)
Location: Shanghai Pudong上海浦东新区芳甸路浦东嘉里城

- Collect and gathering marketing information in Industrial Gas;
- Cold call to find potential customers;
- Marketing data analysis;
- Provide other valuable marketing information to business team;

- Have great motivation on Sales career 对销售工作有强大意愿
- Junior Students大学四年级优先, Bachelor or above degree;
- Work At least 3 days per week guaranteed;
- Chemical, Engineering, Business Management, etc; 理工科或市场营销专业
- Fluent English communication and written skills;
- Be good at MS Office software;
- Can build up relationship with all kinds of people;
- Enjoy working hard and full of energy for the challenging;
- Always Eager to learn and can quick used in practice;


Position:Customer Services Representative,该岗位隶属于Globle PST.


1. Import and export administration and customer screen for import/export compliance.
2. Import license application and tracking for toxic product and monthly declaration
3. Plan / arrange transportation to reach the goal of optimized utilization
4. Sales order / inventory planning, tracking with JDE system and monthly purchase planning
5. Assets tracking, efficiency.
6. VAT / USD invoice management
7. Sales tracking and deviation analysis
8. Sales monthly analysis and forecast planning with PV table
9. USD DDU / RMB DDP purchase order process and control
10. Sales activity support, quotation control and profit analysis
11.Customer’s credit survey report summary and administration
12.Office administration support





地址:上海市东川路800号 200240


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