【21st. Sept.】Macromolecular Engineering to NanoEngineering for Advanced Applications
日期:2015-09-21 阅读:787


TOPIC:Macromolecular Engineering to NanoEngineering for Advanced Applications
SPEAKER:Prof. Cyrille Boyer, The University of New South Wales, Australian

TIME:SEPTEMBER 21 (Monday) AM10:00
LOCATION :518 Meeting Room, Chemistry Building A (化学A楼518会议室)
INVITER: Prof. Yongfeng Zhou (周永丰教授)


Soft core-shell polymeric nanoparticles are an area of great research interest, due to their potential advantages in the sustained and targeted delivery of therapeutic payloads. These systems can offer significant improvements in the temporal and spatial control of drug delivery. In this talk, the development of photoactivated polymerization (PET-RAFT) for the preparation of various polymeric nanoparticles that have been specifically designed to deliver anti-cancer drugs and to image specific tissue, will be discussed.


地址:上海市东川路800号 200240


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