【21st.Oct.】Mechanism-Based Methods Development for Synthesis of Neurologically Active Natural Products
日期:2016-10-21 阅读:665


TOPIC:Mechanism-Based Methods Development for Synthesis of Neurologically Active Natural Products

SPEAKER:Prof. Timothy R. Newhouse, Yale University

TIME:October 21 (Friday) 10:00  AM

VENUE:Room 528, Chemistry Building A (化学A楼528演讲厅)

INVITER:A. Prof. Changkun Li (李长坤 特别研究员)


Professional Experience

Since 2013, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Yale University


Research Interest

Apply a mechanism-based approach to methods development for the chemical synthesis of neurologically active small molecules.



Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2010-13 Enantioselective organometallic methods development with E. J. Corey 

Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, 2006-10 Natural product synthesis with Phil S. Baran Reaction mechanism investigation with Donna G. Blackmond 

B.A., Chemistry with Honors, summa cum laude, Colby College, Waterville, ME, 2001-05 Study of reactive intermediates with Dasan M. Thamattoor 


Honors and Awards

2015 Rosenkranz Award (Yale)

2015 Synpacts Award (Yale)

2014 Anderson Award (Yale)

2010-13 Bristol Myers Squibb Postdoctoral Fellowship (Harvard)

2012 Postdoctoral Award for Professional Development (Harvard)

2011 Reaxys PhD Prize Finalist (Scripps)

2008 Bristol Myers Squibb Graduate Fellowship (Scripps)

2008 Best Talk Award, Graduate Retreat, Chemistry (Scripps)

2005 The “Sarge” Award in Chemistry for departmental leadership (Colby)

2005 Phi Beta Kappa Society member (Colby)

2004 Wayne L. Smith Inorganic Chemistry Award (Colby)

2003 Bradford P. Mundy Organic Chemistry Award (Colby)

2003 Merck/AAAS Undergraduate Research Scholar (Colby)


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