

  • 教育背景

    2013-2016 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所 博士
    2010-2013 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所 硕士
    2006-2010 合肥工业大学 学士

  • 工作经历

    2021.08-至今         beat365,长聘教轨副教授


  • 研究方向



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  • 代表性论文专著


    26. Cong Li,#, Xiaodong Xie,#, Mingqiang Li, Haozhi Wang, Xinyi Cheng, Jichao Zhang, Qian Li, Jiang Li, Xiaolei Zuo, Chunhai Fan*, J. Shen*.Ultrafast super-resolution imaging exploiting spontaneous blinking of static excimer aggregates. JACS. 2024. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c01084.

    25. H. Zheng, Y. Zhou, B. Yan, G. Zhou, X. Cheng, S. Lin, M. Duan, J. Li, L. Wang, C. Fan, J. Chen*, and J. Shen*. DNA Framework-Guided Self-Limiting Aggregation for Highly Luminescent Metal Cluster Nanoaggregates. JACS. 2024. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c02401

    24. C. Li, J. Chen, T. Man, B. Chen, J. Li, Q. Li, X. Yang, Y. Wan*, C. Fan, J. Shen*.; DNA framework-engineered assembly of cyanine dyes for structural identification of nucleic acids. JACS Au. 2024. DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.3c00826.


    23. Chen J#, Gu P#, Ran G#, Zhang Y#, Li M, Chen B, Lu H, Han Y, Zhang W, Tang Z, Yan Q, Sun R, Fu X, Chen G, Shi Z, Wang S, Liu X, Li J, Wang L,Zhu Y*, Shen J*, Tang B. Z.*, Fan C.*. Atomically precise photothermal nanomachines.  Nature Materials. 2023,https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-023-01721-y.

    Nature Materials期刊 News and Views 发表题为"Molecular motion cools off gold nanoclusters" 报道。

    22. Li, Y.#; Zheng, H.#;  Lu, H.#; Duan, M.; Li, C.; Li, M.; Li, J.; Wang, L.; Li, Q.; Chen, J.*; Shen, J.*Noncanonical Condensation of Nucleic Acid Chains by Hydrophobic Gold Nanocrystals. JACS Au. 2023. 3, 8, 2206–2215.

    21. Zheng, H.#; Li, H.#; Li, M.#; Zhai, T.; Xie, X.; Li, C.; Jing, X.; Liang, C.; Li, Q.; Zuo, X.; Li, J.; Fan, J.*; Shen, J.*;  Peng, X.; Fan C.; A Membrane Tension-Responsive Mechanosensitive DNA Nanomachine. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2023. 62,  e202305896.


    20. Zhai, T.#; Zheng, H.#; Fang, W.#; Gao, Z.; Song, S.; Zuo, X.; Li, Q.; Wang, L.; Li, J.; Shi, J.; Liu, X.; Tian, Y.; Shen, J.*; Fan, C., DNA-Encoded Gold-Gold Wettability for Programmable Plasmonic Engineering. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2022. Doi: 10.1002/anie.202210377.

    19. Liang, C.; Chen, J.; Li, M.; Ge, Z.; Fan, C.*; Shen, J.*, Probing the self-assembly process of amphiphilic tetrahedral DNA frameworks. Chemical Communications 2022, 58 (60), 8352-8355.

    18. Liang, C.; Chen, J.; Li, M.; Li, Q.; Fan, C.*; Luo, S.*; Shen, J.*, Programming the self-assembly of amphiphilic DNA frameworks for sequential boolean logic functions. Chemical Communications 2022, 58 (63), 8786-8789.

    17. Li, Y.; Zhai, T.; Chen, J.; Shi, J.; Wang, L.; Shen, J.*; Liu, X.*, Water-Dispersible Gold Nanoclusters: Synthesis Strategies, Optical Properties, and Biological Applications. Chemistry-a European Journal 2022, 28 (10).

    16. Li, Y.; Lu, H.; Qu, Z.; Li, M.; Zheng, H.; Gu, P.; Shi, J.; Li, J.; Li, Q.; Wang, L.; Chen, J.; Fan, C.; Shen, J.*, Phase transferring luminescent gold nanoclusters via single-stranded DNA. Science China-Chemistry 2022, 65 (6), 1212-1220.

    15. Zhai, T.; Sun, C.; Ye, D.; Xia, K.; Liu, X.; Fan, C.; Li, Q.*; Shen, J.*, Electrochemically driven assembly of framework nucleic acids. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2022, 905.

    14. Feng, L.; Li, C.; Wang, L.; Li, J.; Liu, X.; Li, Q.; Luo, S.*; Shen, J.*, Self-Referenced Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Nanosubstrate for the Quantitative Detection of Neurotransmitters. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2022, 5 (5), 2403-2410.

    13. Shen, J.; Situ, B.; Du, X.; Wang, Z.; Hu, R.; Li, B.; Qin, A.; Tang, B. Z., Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogen-Based Dual-Mode Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Ultrasensitive Detection of Cancer Biomarkers in a Broad Concentration Range. ACS Sensors 2022, 7 (3), 766-774.



    12.  Chen, B.; Huang, Q.; Qu, Z.; Li, C.; Li, Q.; Shi, J.; Fan, C.; Wang, L.; Zuo, X.; Shen, J.*; Li, J.*, Probing Transient DNA Conformation Changes with an Intercalative Fluorescent Excimer. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2021, 60 (12), 6624-6630.

    11.Feng, L.; Li, J.; Sun, J.; Wang, L.; Fan, C.; Shen, J.*, Recent Advances of DNA Nanostructure-Based Cell Membrane Engineering. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2021, 10 (6).  

    10.  Gu, P.; Chen, B.; Zhai, T.; Li, Q.; Zuo, X.; Wang, L.; Qin, A.; Zhou, Y.*; Shen, J.*, Immunostimulatory AIE Dots for Live-Cell Imaging and Drug Delivery. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13 (17), 19660-19667.

    9.  Yang, Y.; Chen, B.; Zhai, T; Feng, L.; Shen, J.*; Wang, L., Recent Progress of Aggregation-induced Emission Molecular Oligomers. Acta Polymerica Sinica 2021, 52 (9), 1100-1117.


    8.   Xia, K.#; Shen, J.#; Li, Q.; Fan, C.; Gu, H., Near-Atomic Fabrication with Nucleic Acids. ACS Nano 2020, 14 (2), 1319-1337.

    7. Shen, J.; Tao, K.; Gu, P.; Gui, C.; Wang, D.; Tan, Z.; Wang, L.; Wang, Z.; Qin, A.; Tang, B. Z.; Bao, S., Aggregation-induced emission luminogen for specific identification of malignant tumour in vivo. Science China-Chemistry 2020, 63 (3), 393-397.

    6. Zhai, T.; Li, Q.; Shen, J.*; Li, J.; Fan, C., DNA nanostructure-encoded fluorescent barcodes. Aggregate 2020, 1 (1), 107-116.

    5.   Zhang, Y.#; Shen, J.#; Hu, R.; Shi, X.; Hu, X.; He, B.; Qin, A.; Tang, B. Z., Fast surface immobilization of native proteins through catalyst-free amino-yne click bioconjugation. Chemical Science 2020, 11 (15), 3931-3935.



    4.   Shen, J.#; Liang, L.#; Xiao, M.#; Xie, X.; Wang, F.; Li, Q.; Ge, Z.; Li, J.; Shi, J.; Wang, L.; Li, L.; Pei, H.; Fan, C., Fractal Nanoplasmonic Labels for Supermultiplex Imaging in Single Cells. JACS. 2019, 141 (30), 11938-11946.

    3.   Xie, M.; Li, F.; Gu, P.; Wang, F.; Qu, Z.; Li, J.; Wang, L.; Zuo, X.; Zhang, X.*; Shen, J.*, Gold nanoflower-based surface-enhanced Raman probes for pH mapping of tumor cell microenviroment. Cell Proliferation 2019, 52 (4).

    2.   Shen, J.; Jiang, X.; Xu, L.; Ge, Z.; Li, Q.; Song, B.; Wang, L.; Song, S., Poly-Adenine-Engineered Gold Nanogaps for SERS Nanostructures. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2019, 2 (6), 3501-3509.

    1.   Shen, J.; Zhang, Y.; Hu, R.; Kwok, R. T. K.; Wang, Z.; Qin, A.; Tang, B. Z., Dual-Mode Ultrasensitive Detection of Nucleic Acids via an Aqueous "Seesaw" Strategy by Combining Aggregation-Induced Emission and Plasmonic Colorimetry. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2019, 2 (1), 163-169.




    7.   Shen, J.; Luan, B.; Pei, H.; Yang, Z.; Zuo, X.; Liu, G.; Shi, J.; Wang, L.; Zhou, R.; Cheng, W.; Fan, C., Humidity-Responsive Single-Nanoparticle-Layer Plasmonic Films. Advanced Materials 2017, 29 (35).

    6.   Shen, J.; Tang, Q.#; Li, L.#; Li, J.; Zuo, X.; Qu, X.; Pei, H.; Wang, L.; Fan, C., Valence-Engineering of Quantum Dots Using Programmable DNA Scaffolds. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2017, 56 (50), 16077-16081.

    5.    Shen, J.; Xu, L.; Wang, C.; Pei, H.; Tai, R.; Song, S.; Huang, Q.; Fan, C.; Chen, G., Dynamic and Quantitative Control of the DNA-Mediated Growth of Gold Plasmonic Nanostructures. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2014, 53 (32), 8338-8342.

    4.    Hu, C.#; Shen, J.#; Yan, J.; Zhong, J.; Qin, W.; Liu, R.; Aldalbahi, A.; Zuo, X.; Song, S.; Fan, C.; He, D., Highly narrow nanogap-containing Au@Au core-shell SERS nanoparticles: size-dependent Raman enhancement and applications in cancer cell imaging. Nanoscale 2016, 8 (4), 2090-2096

    3.     Shen, J.; Su, J.; Yan, J.; Zhao, B.; Wang, D.; Wang, S.; Li, K.; Liu, M.; He, Y.; Mathur, S.; Fan, C.; Song, S., Bimetallic nano-mushrooms with DNA-mediated interior nanogaps for high-efficiency SERS signal amplification. Nano Research 2015, 8 (3), 731-742.

    2.     Shen, J.; Hu, R.; Zhou, T.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Li, S.; Gui, C.; Jiang, M.; Qin, A.; Tang, B. Z., Fluorescent Sensor Array for Highly Efficient Microbial Lysate Identification through Competitive Interactions. ACS Sensors 2018, 3 (11), 2218-2222.

    1.    Zhao, B.#; Shen, J.#; Chen, S.; Wang, D.; Li, F.; Mathur, S.; Song, S.; Fan, C., Gold nanostructures encoded by non-fluorescent small molecules in polyA-mediated nanogaps as universal SERS nanotags for recognizing various bioactive molecules. Chemical Science 2014, 5 (11), 4460-4466.

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